Thursday, November 1, 2012

Laughter is the BEST medicine.

Laughter... truly the best medicine, EVER! Yes, fitness has gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life and continues to help me with Postpartum Depression, S.A.D., and my everyday stress, but when I do get into those deep ruts, laughter is my savior.

That being said, I must also say my family saves my life each and every day. 

So, let's get to the point...
This morning, I ask my husband to feed the kids while I clean up the kitchen and such before we head out for the day. He gladly agrees and decides to make eggs. I make them for the kids pretty much every morning, it is something the kids will eat... right?

Nope! Arianna decides she's going to climb out of her high chair and RUN from her eggs, begging for apple sauce. My son, who normally eats enough eggs for 3 people only eats his toast and then begins to plead for applesauce. I'm not going to complain, apples are healthy.

My husband asks if it's -ok- to give the dogs the eggs that the kids don't like. I normally give them to him when he's sick or when he's been really good, so sure, why not?

The dog eats them then gets sick and throws every single bite back up... 

It is at this point that my husband has now sworn off making eggs or cooking for the kids ever again!

Yes, it gets even better... My husband, just to see what the kids will say, asks if they want him to make them more eggs. Before he finishes asking, almost in unison, they both say NO! So I ask if they want me to make them some eggs... They both start, almost in a cheer, "Yes! I want mommy's eggs!"

Yep, I think today is the last time my husband will ever cook eggs.

Do you have any stories like this? Please feel free to comment and share! :-)