Thursday, November 1, 2012

Laughter is the BEST medicine.

Laughter... truly the best medicine, EVER! Yes, fitness has gotten me through some of the hardest times of my life and continues to help me with Postpartum Depression, S.A.D., and my everyday stress, but when I do get into those deep ruts, laughter is my savior.

That being said, I must also say my family saves my life each and every day. 

So, let's get to the point...
This morning, I ask my husband to feed the kids while I clean up the kitchen and such before we head out for the day. He gladly agrees and decides to make eggs. I make them for the kids pretty much every morning, it is something the kids will eat... right?

Nope! Arianna decides she's going to climb out of her high chair and RUN from her eggs, begging for apple sauce. My son, who normally eats enough eggs for 3 people only eats his toast and then begins to plead for applesauce. I'm not going to complain, apples are healthy.

My husband asks if it's -ok- to give the dogs the eggs that the kids don't like. I normally give them to him when he's sick or when he's been really good, so sure, why not?

The dog eats them then gets sick and throws every single bite back up... 

It is at this point that my husband has now sworn off making eggs or cooking for the kids ever again!

Yes, it gets even better... My husband, just to see what the kids will say, asks if they want him to make them more eggs. Before he finishes asking, almost in unison, they both say NO! So I ask if they want me to make them some eggs... They both start, almost in a cheer, "Yes! I want mommy's eggs!"

Yep, I think today is the last time my husband will ever cook eggs.

Do you have any stories like this? Please feel free to comment and share! :-)

Monday, October 29, 2012

S.A.D. Fitness November Drawing!

Thank you for again visiting my blog and if this is your first time here, WELCOME! I am very happy that you have come to bless my page with your presence! This blog, Fitness, and Beachbody have been three major factors that have helped me through hard times and I am very please to say that from my blessings, I have decided to give to you!

That's right, I'm holding a drawing on November 1st. Not that far away, but don't worry, there will be another one coming soon after!

The drawing is for a 7-Day Chocolate Shakeology Trial pack. 
Unsure as to WHAT Shakeology is? CLICK HERE to be transferred to my Shakeology Website. 

To enter for this drawing
1. Go to Team Beachbody, and sign up for your own FREE Team Beachbody Account.
3. Read the first post on the page and follow the instructions.

It's simple and easy. Feel free to share the page because more drawing are coming up and some of them will be by referral!!!

Thanks for stopping by and like always, feel free to comment or question!

Danielle M. Montoya

Saturday, October 27, 2012

It's not everyday...

I know I post about fitness a lot and I push how much it helps with stress, anxiety, and most importantly DEPRESSION. I use it to manage my own depression. I cant stress enough how important it is for me to workout.

When I miss workouts, especially multiple days in a row, I have bad days. I'm not talking about cranky, I'm talking about crying my eyes out kind of days...
This entire week, I haven't been able to find time to workout at all.

Really it is my own fault. I have been far too lazy to get out of bed to do it. I know the benefits out way the cost, but I have just not been able to do it! 
The cost... A complete cry-fest. 

It never really lasts long. The "crazy spell" ends about as fast as the climax arrives. It's just that I do NOT like being this way and the only way to avoid it completely is to workout.

Today has just reminded me that, even if I don't WANT to get up and workout, it really isn't a matter of what I WANT to do... It's something I NEED to do. 

Is there something in your life that you NEED to do in order to keep from those "crazy days"? Remember, everyone is different and everyone deals with stress differently. Sometimes a good cry can help, sometimes you can workout to make all the problems a little less stressful... Maybe a day crafting with friends is what you need. 
Regardless of WHAT you do, just DO IT! Don't get yourself into the mucky-muck if you can avoid it. Appoint your husband or boyfriend, a friend, or a family member to keep you accountable. The best medicine is one that works for you... Mine just happens to be Fitness... 

Like always, thank you for reading. Please feel free to comment or post questions!

Danielle M. Montoya

Friday, October 26, 2012

S.-A.-D. to F-I-T

If you didn't already notice, I have changed the name of the page here and on Facebook... Those of you who are not Alaskan or Canadian are probably thinking, "What a dumb name for a business!" I mean, even I laughed at myself for choosing it. Honestly, there is reasoning behind it! 

First of all, let me point out that S.A.D. is an abbreviation for Seasonal Affective Disorder, a relatively common form of "cabin fever" that affects more then 20% of the population in the state of Alaska. Doesn't sound like that much but let's look at it this way... 20 out of 100 or even break it down farther 2 out of 10 people are affected by SAD... and that IS NOT including the family, friends, and co-workers.

Of those affected by S.A.D., 75% of those are WOMEN!!! The age group that is most likely to show signs of S.A.D. are persons between the ages of 20-35....

Can you see where I'm going with this yet?

Here's my logic... I have dealt with stress, anxiety and depression for pretty much the majority of my adult life. I have tried a few different "happy pills" but really wasn't enjoying what they were turning me into. I didn't like that lull feeling. Granted, it was better then hating the world, but it still wasn't >>ME<<. 

Three years ago, a dear friend of mine, who is the founder of "Stamping Out S.A.D. Creations" (can be found on Facebook and her Website), introduced me to FlyLady. I know it seems strange, but keeping my house CLEAN and ORGANIZED, really took a load off of my shoulders. I was able to find time to do things that I really enjoyed! 

Once things started calming down and I had my home pretty well de-cluttered  I was able to start working out with my husband. Nothing to strenuous... maybe a bike-ride here and there. About a year and a half ago, my husband brought home Insanity. I watched him do it a few days, then I tried it... 

You know that *Ah-Ha* moment... this was it.

I had an immediate reaction to working out. I felt so, so Energized, happy, excited, motivated, pleased, accomplished... The list goes on and on for days. I don't remember feeling that good... EVER! Since that day, I have rarely missed a day of working out. Whether it's a walk or doing an hour workout with Insanity. This has become my way of coping with daily life and dealing with S.A.D. Because this has helped me so much, I became a team Beachbody Coach to help others. 

Depression is harmful to more then just yourself. It effects everyone around you, including your loved ones and pets! Finding a way to manage it, whether it be medication, Stamping out SAD, or working out, find something that works for you.

Thank you for reading, And please, Feel free to share comments and questions! :-)

Danielle M. Montoya

Never enter into a workout without first talking to your doctor to make sure it is safe. Once you get the OK to workout, make sure to only go at a pace that is comfortable to you. Never over exert yourself for risk of injury. For persons just starting working out for the first time, Instructional Fitness, also known as Personal Training, is recommended but not required.

All information gathered regarding statistics are brought to you by the following:

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Moments define who we are...

Life is made up of moments... both good and bad. As children, we dont label them and sometimes dont even acknowledge these moments exsist. Moments that occur during childhood build up to the moments that define who we are and what we will do as adults. As adults, there are moments that change us for the better, or worse, and there are moments that make us realize how good, or bad, our lives are.

This blog, journal entry... whatever you call it is about a specific moment. A comical moment that follows after a moment of depression, stress, and anxiety (three things that I know very well). But first, you know THAT moment? The one where you dont think anything else could POSSIBLY go wrong and you really dont know WHY you do the things you do... The moment we will talk about comes right after this...

When things seem to get me down, it always seems to get worse and worse, until the point where I think I'm going to pass out. Kids making messes or not sleeping at night, or just being down right monsters. You know how kids can get if you have some of your own... That's how my last few MONTHS have been and in the last week, I didnt think things could get much worse. Then today's MOMENT happened. Anthony, Arianna, Aurora and I were all attempting a nap this afternoon when my son decided he needed to "go poop"...

Think you know where this is leading... you are wrong.

He proceeds to the bathroom and then starts crying.

Think you got it yet? You are still wrong...

I go in to find out what is wrong.

Another guess? NOPE!

"Anthony, what is the matter baby?"
"Nothing, I just got all wet."
"How did you get wet?"
"Nothing, I just go pee, and I got all wet in my face"

Ahh, the joys of mother hood... My son has been doing SO GREAT at potty training and not wetting himself... until this fiasco. So I did what any good mother would do, I grabbed my phone and called my husband laughing so hard that my face was hurting!!!

I am learning, slowly but alas, it's learning, that I must find joy in all things!

Dont worry, I cleaned up my son, let him play in a bubble bath, and got him some clean cloths that didnt have pee on them ( he made a bit of a mess once it hit his face).

Leave it to a little one to help show that even when things get tough, laughter is still out there!

God Bless!

Monday, August 13, 2012

Hidden dangers of "Supplements"

So many people are looking for the "quick fix" and the "easy road" to health and fitness that when they see labels and commercials that promise you all these good things, they are so quick to jump on the band wagon... but what are these about? Are they really good for your body? People who are looking for that six-pack, extra energy for workouts or extra muscles and plan on using the dietary supplements, be cautious...

According to the FDA in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, defined "dietary supplement" as a product taken by mouth that contains a dietary ingredient intended to supplement diet. These dietary ingredients must include vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanical's, amino acids, a dietary substance for use by man to supplement the diet by increasing dietary intake or concentrates, metabolites, constituents or extracts, or a combination of these.

These sound wells and good, but the Food and Drug Administration loosely regulates supplements. Meaning, under the DSHEA, as of October 1994, a firm is responsible for determining if their own products are safe and that any and all claims are held accountable through evidence to show they are not being misleading. In easier terms... The FDA doesnt need to approve the supplement before it's being sold.

Although all the ingredients are listed in the Supplement Facts Panel, serving sizes are not regulated by the FDA. The manufacturer is responsible to ensure safety and there are no rules to regulate serving sizes. Because It's not required to give this information to the FDA, the only way to find information about the Supplement Facts Panel is to contact the manufacturers themselves

So, ultimately it is up to the consumer themselves to research and educate themselves on all the ingredients to find what is best for their body and activity level. If you have questions never hesitate to ask me, and I will do my best to help give you the resources needed.

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Sick and Tired!

I am SICK and TIRED... of being SICK and TIRED!!!

Just like anyone else, I hate being sick. I hate waking up in the middle of the night because my nose is so stuffy I cant breath, I hate waking up in the morning feeling like I didnt get any sleep, I hate taking medicine to just be able to breath out of ONE nostril... I just hate life when I'm sick.

Where am I comming from with this? Well, I havent been sick in a LONG time. Over the last week, however, I have gone from perfect health to feeling so bad, I dont know what to do. People have said that it's the weather. I mean it has been raining and crappy the last few days, but it was like this a few weeks ago and I wasnt even close to being sick then... as a matter of fact, I was playing in the rain.

So, why am I sick now while I wasnt then? I honestly believe that it's because THEN my immune system had an extra boost and NOW I've been slacking.

Let me start off with saying, I've always been the one that is easy to get sick. Always getting the flue or having a cold. It's just something I've always dealt with.

Over the last few months, I have been drinking Shakeology for breakfast every morning... until about a week ago. Last weekend, I went camping with my family. The weather was nice for the first few days so I was good, but then around tuesday, weather turned sour and I started getting the sniffles. By Thursday morning, I couldnt breathe out of my nose! It has been horrible since. It seems to be even worse since I cant take any real medicine to help.

I have come to one MAJOR realization with all of this... If I had been drinking my Shakeology, I wouldnt be feeling like crap! The Phytonutrients (Green Super Foods), Shakeology is great for boosting your immune system to help fight off colds and the flu. I honestly believe that Shakeology is the ONLY reason that I have been missing out on the colds the rest of my family has gotten. There have been several times in the last few months where everyone in the house gets sick and it skips right over me. Believe me, I'm not complaining about NOT being sick... I just know that it's time to start bringing a blender when I go camping!

If you would like more information about Shakeology click the following link:
The Science - Shakeology
If  you would like a sample of any of the flavors click the following link to send me an email:
Danielle M. Montoya

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Getting the MOST out of Housecleaning.

Ever have one of those days where cleaning is really the last thing on your mind? If you are working on getting in shape, loosing weight, or just being slightly more active, housecleaning is really helpful. Have you ever noticed that you are actually PHYSICALLY tired after cleaning for long periods of time, especially when deep cleaning the house? This is because you are actually burning a LOT more calories then you think. For example, after 15 minutes of walking around while you prepare to leave (if you have kids, you know this take MUCH longer then 15 minutes) you burn roughly 36 calories! Of course this is dependent on your current weight, but you can check out how many you are roughly burning by visiting CalorieLab.

There are other things you can do in order to burn more calories faster and also things you can do during basic house cleaning rituals to help build muscle. For example, instead of using a handvac to "sweep" your floors, pull out that old dusty broom and sweep the floors. If you are OCD like me, doing it an extra time to make sure everything is up will be good for you as well. Instead of wasting precious EXPENSIVE electricity, hang your cloths outside on the line instead of using your dryer, not only will it save you from having to clean out the dryer vents every quarter, but it will also work those arms, legs, back and calves!

One thing that I personally do, especially if someone has the kids while I'm cleaning, I'll turn on some good tunes and dance around while I am doing my house work. Constant motion throughout the entire body not only will burn those calories off but it will keep you loose and flexible!

Here is a list of other ideas to help burn extra calories while cleaning:
  1. Run or walk quickly up the stairs of your house throughout your cleaning section (USE YOUR HANDRAIL)
  2. Do squats when picking things up off the floor. Not only is this better for your back, but your legs and butt will get some great toning!
  3. If you arent doing a WHOLE HOUSE cleaning, set a timer and see how much you can get done in 5, 10, or 30 minutes.
  4. Vaccum at a fast pace. great full body workout!
  5. Skip out on using the Dishwasher and handwash the dishes. Your arms get a great workout!
  6. DANCE. Shake that booty while you are standing and folding laundry or vaccuming the floors!
  7. If you MUST sit, use your best posture and dont lean back in your seat.
  8. Use full range of movement while working, doing this will help stretch your muscles and joints.
  9. If you have a lot of cleaning to do, set a timer for 10-30 minutes and take a 5 minute stretching/breather before starting your next "workout" session.

Now, I know many people dont particularly LIKE cleaning the house. I for one am definitely one of those people! I have the whole mindset that, if it isnt done right, it isnt done! Which makes housecleaning take a lot longer and it gets more in depth then what it technically should be. There are ways to help with making cleaning a little more tolerable. And yes, I had to find ideas online to help me...
  1. Set a positive mood for housecleaning. For me, I have found that playing high energy music (even if it's kid's music) helps me stay active and positive while cleaning. I also make sure that the house is BRIGHT. I know during the Alaskan Winters, bright isnt something we come by often so we have lots of lamps and bright bulbs in our house. During the summers, I just tie up the curtains and get to work!
  2. Take DEEP BREATHS. I know this sounds a little funny, I know, but when you breath deeper you are giving yourself more oxygen in your blood which means more oxygen to your muscles, including your brain. This will make you feel more energized.
  3. Set a pace. Dont try to get everything done all at one time. If you set yourself small achieveable goals (kind of like the ones you set for your fitness), you will see progress faster. Work at a fast pace to keep your heart pumping, but not too fast to burn yourself out too fast.
  4. STRETCH. House cleaning is a workout. What do you do before and after a workout? YOU STRETCH! You use more parts of your body while you are cleaning then you do when you go to a gym and sit on a machine. If there is a point in your housecleaning that will make you have to stretch, do it! You're body will thank you!
I hope these things help you with your Housecleaning Workouts, They have certainly helped me in the past few years and have definitely made me more eager to be able to start really cleaning again after this baby girl arrives! Let me know what kinds of things you do to help you loose calories while cleaning!


Saturday, April 28, 2012

Toddlers - Heralthy, Active, and FIT

For the last few months I have been on bed rest because of some complications with my pregnancy. It’s been both stressful and tiring to do anything. When you add pregnancy with a -0- activity level, then you get physical drainage like you wouldn’t believe!

I have always been a person who could clean my entire house and STILL have energy to do SOMETHING so the last few months have been crazy. Keeping a clean house, dressed children, and pampered puppies was my thing. I was home all day, what else was there for me to do?
After I was put on bed rest, that all changed..
I mean really, how is it possible for you keep up with things, prepare for another baby, and deal with two toddlers at the same time all while on bedrest?! I was in a mental funk that I couldn’t shake. I didn’t think it was possible without someone constantly being there to help me and I wasn’t getting that help or support from, well, anyone. My husband helped when he could, but with his work schedule, it was hard for him. My brother lives too far away to help and my parents moved away this past summer, so getting help from family wasn’t happening… I was getting pretty stressed out.

Needless to say, I REALLY had to make some changes in my life and schedule in order to keep up and cope with things.
One major thing, I had to figure out how I was going to MENTALLY handle everything. I had to wrap my head around the fact, that cleaning wasnt going to get done the way, or the times that I personally think they should be done. For people who really know me... me lifting our F-150 would be easier! I was only allowed to do the bare minimum! Once I got my head in the game, I was able to limit myself on how much I would do in a day... I'd break the rules on occasion, but for the most part, I was pretty good at keeping myself sitting and resting.
The next big thing, I had to find a way to eat healthy, while not spending a lot of time cooking. The kids are really easy! Making them some of the Gerber meals is nothing more then putting it in the microwave for a minute or making some Mac-n-Cheese with mixed veggies inside... but that isnt enough for me. I ended up talking to my Doctor about Shakeology and soon after broke  down and bought some Shakeology (Chocolate) to help me and my husband. Not only is it filling but it is super healthy and all the ingrediants are from plants, vegetables, and fruits.
This ended up giving me the nutrition I was needing but it also helped with my low energy level. I was able to deal with the active lifestyle my children had and still keep myself from over-doing it. I was able to do some cleaning and not raise my heartrate above the 110 bpm that my doctor set for me.
One last thing that I did to help, I went to bed shortly after putting my kids to bed. 9:30p rolls around and it's time for baths and bed. Though sometimes I dont fall asleep until midnight, just laying there and reading a book is enough to start relaxing my body and mind which is MUCH needed after a whole day of chasing a 3yo and a 1yo. During their nap times, I also sit and relax. I either read or watch something on Netflix.

All in all, I have had to learn to RELAX some. There are things that I just cant always control. It isnt easy for me, as I am a control freak, but it is needed and helpful for me when I give up on a few things in order to make my pregnancy healthy and happy.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Beachbody... on Bedrest?

Yes, it is possible to still work on getting your "Beachbody" when you are pregnant... but what about when you are told to stay in bed and rest? Being bedridden you cant do any exercises, so there is nothing you can do... right?

I was doing Insanity when I found out about my pregnancy. I was 6 weeks into the program and found out I was 4 weeks pregnant. I was truely heart broken that I had to stop doing Insanity so I bought a new program from Beachbody and was doing that. It's called "Yoga Booty Ballet : Baby on the Way." Great program for women who want to do a bit of both Yoga and some light Cardio. Nothing strenuous, nothing high impact, nothing crazy.

A few weeks into that, I was told by the doctor that I had to "take it easy." No "intamacy", no exercise, no nothing... as a mom of two small children... this really isnt something that is possible. Bedrest for me seemed like the end of the world.. I honestly did NOT know what I was going to do. I have always been someone who is constantly doing something.

I decided that I would do the bare minimum around the house and just make sure the kids were fed and taken care of, make sure that laundry didnt get too backed up, and make sure that dishes didnt take over the kitchen. This was, on most days, easier said then done... I will say that I have been sitting and resting a lot more (hence the journaling, blogging, and crazy amount of FB time...), but there are things that just have to get done and my husband isnt home enough to do it all.

Anyways, After about 10 minutes of bedrest... I started looking for ways to stay fit while on bedrest and have honestly done decent at doing so. To explain this a little farther, let me first tell you about my last two pregnancies. When my son was born, I had DOUBLED my weight. That is gaining over 120 lbs in 9 months!! When my daughter was born, I didnt double my weight, but I didnt gain a healthy amount either... I only gained about 95 lbs in the 9 months. I'm 33 weeks and 6 days pregnant and am currently sitting right at 150 lbs... that is only 30 lbs over my normal pre-pregnancy weight.

Here's how I stayed FIT during bedrest.
  • I got permission from my doctor to be on something called "Modified bedrest", meaning if my pulse went over a certain number I had to sit down and wait for it to relax. At first this was really easy but as my pregnancy progressed, my RHR went up. I was allowed to get up and clean a lot more which meant I was staying at least partially active.
  • Because I wasnt burning as many calories, I had to start watching what I was eating slightly more while still making sure to get the nutrients and vitamins I needed.
    • One way I did this was by drinking Shakeology for breakfast most every day. Since this is a lower calorie meal replacement shake with more nutrients then I would get by eating all my fruits and veggies for the day, this was approved and strongly supported by my doctor. I drank Shakeology itself as a replacement for my prenatals during the first and part of the second trimester because the pills made me so sick.
    • Ate healthier food and added more fruits and vegetables to my diet. Also cut a LOT of sugar out of my diet. I have always had a soft spot for cokes and junk food, now I eat way less and am down to one Pepsi a day.
    • I use an app on my phone, tablet, and computer that all sync together to log the things that I eat so I know I'm getting the nutrients that are needed for my health.
  • After I was able to take the prenatal pills, I started taking them daily. I also took an additional B6, Calcium, and Folate pill.
Most people will tell you that when you workout and eat crap, you are defeating the purpose of working out. The only way to be successful with your workouts is to first devise a HEALTH plan. You can workout 3 times a day, but if you are eating crap, you are only hurting yourself. Step one to loosing weight is changing your diet... If you are on bedrest, what better time to start a newer healthier lifestyle then when it's most important for you and your unborn child!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Introduction to Insanity

For most of my adult life, I have dealt with stress, anxiety, and depression. It wasnt so bad when I was working full time with as much overtime as I could manage, but once I got pregnant, I quit my job and become a stay at home mom. Dont get me wrong, I have reaped so many rewards from staying home with my two kids, but there are times, like right now, where i'm sitting and not doing anything. Not because there isnt anything to do, but because I cant... or when there is so much to do, but the kids make it impossible to do the things that need to get done (never ending laundry and dishes...). It gets a little overwhelming for someone with my mental state.

Last summer, my husband brought home Beachbody's Insanity. I thought he was INSANE for even trying it. I would watch him do the program in my living room while the kids ate their breakfast and think, "Oh... My... God..." and swear that it was definitely something I would NEVER, EVER even try. Honestly, I thought I would die if I did. The program calls you to do things, that honestly look impossible to do that fast and that much... for THAT LONG.

Watching my husband do the program and watching him do the program got me intrigued... I decided to try just the "Fit Test". Then the next day, I did Day 1... At any rate... I started doing the program daily. I didnt stick with it at first. I wanted to be able to DO the exercises before I went through the whole 30-day calendar of programs.

Around Mid July, I decided to commit and follow through with the ENTIRE program. It was also then that I realized how much Insanity was already doing for me. Insanity, while it's a GREAT workout, was doing something that, to me, is more important then anything else. It was making me less "crazy". I wasnt stressed throughout the day even though there were things to do, I wasnt anxious when things started going wrong, I wasnt depressed when my husband was gone for days at a time with work... I was HAPPY. To me, that is more important then loosing weight, gaining muscle, or even getting that sexy body I had in High School.

Insanity helped me in a way that couseling, therapy, and medication never did. It helped me be the wife and mother that I wanted to be.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Welcome to my Health and Fitness Blog

Welcome friends! I would like to thank each and every one of you for comming and visiting my Blog! This is all really new to me and with any amount of luck, it will help me just as much as Team Beachbody has helped me over the last year!

This blog will hold all the information that I have learned and experianced over the last year. Hopefully the things that I share here will be helpful to you and your families as well. I will be posting recipies, hints, tips, and tricks for achieveing your goals in pursueing a healthy and happy life for you and your family!

Being healthy isnt just about workingout out... as a matter of fact, you can work out everyday and not get any results in your weightloss. First and foremost, you have to watch te things you eat. If you dont eat healthy, you ruin any amount of working out you have done. People think that eating healthy doesnt taste good or that you have to spend a lot of money in order to eat healthy... this simply is not true. In the next few weeks, I hope to show you how you can achieve your goals in health and fitness by making simple changes in your life.

Again, thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy my blog! :-)