Sunday, February 23, 2014

Truth on Nutrition

If you tell the truth, you don't have to remember anything. -Mark Twain.

You will never find yourself until you face the truth. - Pearl Bailey

When you are sorrowful, look again in your heart and you shall see that in truth, you are weeping for that which has been your delight. - Kahlil Gibran

We all know Nutrition is important.

How do you expect to loose fat if you are consuming large quantities of it?

It isn't all about fat consumption either. Too many Carbohydrates creates fat stores, high sodium intakes increases water weight... It's a lot to remember and take in sometimes!

What do I do?

There are a few different apps out there that allow you to track what you eat. Different apps and websites offer different services and have benefits. With any of them, you can share your logs with your trainer so make sure you are on track with nutrition and exercise. Keep in mind, that even logging "cheat days" and bad nutritional days is important. I also recommend that you journal things like how you are feeling on these days, stress levels, sick, exercise, and if you work as well. This allows you to see how your mental state also affects your nutrition.

Here is a list of a few Nutritional Tracking Web-based Apps that I have tried:

  1. 411 Fit - FREE/PAID - This is my personal favorite. For people who are just learning about nutrition this is the greatest! Instead of giving milligrams and percentages, you get a letter grade for how your nutrition is going. It tracks nutrition, exercise, journals, makes graphs, and tracks progress! You can use it free, but if you are interested in being coached, you can contact me and upgrade your account to a coach-client account with me where I can give you daily accountability, nutrition guidance, and more. While you can use this as a free account, having a coach in it makes things a lot easier, especially if you have questions. The biggest down fall, it is primarily used on web-browser, but can be easily used on a mobile browser.
  2. My Fitness Pal - FREE - This is the most popular application for calorie tracking. It allows for easy tracking with bar codes. One of the best parts of this application is the social networking aspect. You can loose weight with your friends and keep in touch with everyone super easy by linking your MFP account with Facebook. However, really being able to see where you are going right/wrong with nutrition is a little more difficult for those who don't know what they are looking at.
  3. Livestrong - FREE - This is iPad and iPhone only. It is almost identical to My Fitness Pal but is operated by my favorite resource for all things health and fitness.

Bottom Line...

Keeping track of your nutrition is the best way to keep yourself "honest" with your trainer. Keeping a journal not only helps you but it helps your trainer know how to best help you. What do you most struggle with? How do you feel? How can we help you?

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Tabata, what is it?

There are so many ways to workout and each type of workout comes with different results. Increase muscle mass, increase strength, loose weight, loose fat... the list goes on and one. I am sure you have heard of HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) and maybe even FIT (Focus Interval Training). Both of these are training versions that I personally use for my training clients. Today, I am going to introduce you to a new type of interval training.
Where does TABATA come from?
Tabata is a relatively new protocol and is founded by a Izumi Tabata, while he was working with the Japanese speed skating team. He conducted tests on two groups of athletes. He compared results of two group, one doing high-intensity training and the other doing moderate-intensity training. The results from the high intensity training group showed that their training regimen  improved aerobic and anaerobic systems by over 20%.
What is the TABATA Regime?
While you can use any exercise in the regimen, Tabata consists of 20 seconds of intense exercise, followed by 10 seconds of rest.

When you exclude warm up and cool down, this means it only takes 4 minutes of exercise if repeated enough. This is more then enough to leave anyone, regardless of fit level, feeling accomplished.
What do you need for TABATA?
There are two basic tools that I recommend you have. A notebook and a timer.

The notebook is for you to keep track of what exercises you do and when. This helps you keep your exercises balanced for your entire body. You never want to over-work one part of your body and don't want to forget any one part.
How do I design your own TABATA?
There are many different ways to design your own TABATA, but first you need to know what you are wanting to change and/or improve. Lose fat, Gain muscle, improve endurance?  Once you have that part figured out, choose exercises that are known for those specific changes.
You can do a Single Exercise Tabata where you choose only one exercise and do that for the total 4 minutes or you can a multi-exercise Tabata where you choose 2 or more exercises. I personally prefer using 4 exercises, alternate the first two for the first 4 rounds, then alternate the second two for the last 4 rounds.

Now you know about Tabata. It doesn't take much time at all out of your day and it increases your results by over 20%. Why not give it a try. CLICK HERE for a Tabata that I have created that you can do in your own home! Also, stay tuned for more about HIIT training, Using TABATA for your benefit, and much more!!!

Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day... A day full of romance, love, chocolate, and.... cleaning.
No, I am not a bitter person when it comes to Valentine's Day. I actually love this holiday. I still remember my first Valentine's Day after meeting my husband. No, it wasn't anything overly spectacular, but it was the first Valentine's day that I didn't wish it off the calendar. A simple card with a my favorite chocolate bar.
But what goes on since then? Today, my husband is working. That means, I am cleaning and cooking and taking care of my three tiny tornados. Who, I might add, are currently tearing apart their bedrooms. Do I expect my husband to do something special for Valentine's Day? Nope. Will he do something? Who knows. Do I want him to? Of course, who wouldn't!
I have been scrolling through facebook and seeing everyone's pictures and comments about what their husbands and boyfriends have (or haven't) gotten them.
Seriously ladies, I am unimpressed... What about what you are doing for them? What are you doing for them to show your love? To show that they mean the world to you? I'm not going to mention names but there are people complaining, that their husband "chose to go to work over spending time with me today". Seriously?! "My husband didn't buy me anything... he's not getting laid for a while"... again, SERIOUSLY?!?! My personal favorite was one young lady making this statement, "He was gone all day long and all he brought home was some flowers... Is that all you could manage?"
I am appalled by the way so many women expect things from their spouses but don't take time to do things for their husband. I'm not talking about the normal cooking and cleaning. I am talking about going out of your way, like you expect him to do, to show you really and truly care.
So, Challenge for you ladies. What are you going to do this Valentine's Day that is extra special, that you don't do for the other 364 days in a year? Comment on this blog post or share what you did on my Facebook Page! 

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Declutter the Home:Happier Heart

If you scroll through Pinterest right now, there are HUNDREDS of "tips" for cleaning and decluttering. There are even numerous apps that are supposed to "help" too. But the truth of the matter, they only work, if you use them.

It is the same concept with DVD workout programs like Insanity and the new 21-Day Fix (coming Febuary 3, 2014!!). They work GREAT... if you do them. Who has that type of self-driving motivation? I know I generally don't. A lot of people across this nation, and even the world, don't have that type of motivation. I have found that accountability to someone, other then myself, is key to being successful... in everything.
Now, if you have been following my blog, you know that I have OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is at a high degree and it occasionally hinders my daily activities and keeps me from doing other things that I need to be doing. It is a hindrance most days. But in the last year, I have found a way to use my OCD to help others.
Who would have though OCD could be helpful? 
Certainly not me. I would go to friend's homes and see how "homey" their homes were and wonder why I cant have that same level of relaxation in my home. My home stays clean. I can't mentally handle clutter, I can't handle messes, and I definitely can't handle "dirty".
How can my OCD be helpful?
Like I said, in the last year, I have helped other people find ways, or new habits, to de-clutter their homes and essentially making for a happier heart. I use resources like the FlyLady and experiences that have worked for me in the past 5 years of being married. It isn't always an easy road for anyone. Me remember to post, participants changing the way they have been doing things for years, everyone having to change who they are as a whole... it's a lot to ask for.
This group that I do, it does cost money, namely because it consumes a lot of my time. It isn't much ($10). The group typically lasts 31-35 days. The amount of days vary on the participation of the group. The more active and talkative and tentative the group is, I might take a few extra days to complete the group. If people are open about their struggles with starting the new habits, I also take a few days so we can help and support those who need the extra support. 
The group is meant to help people build new habits that they will use every day. When embarking on a journey like this, you find out new things about yourself, your family, and your home. Just recently, I found that more people are struggling with similar issues. I also learned that there are things you can do to help the people in your home to help you with keeping the new habits.
For instance, the phrase "Lead by Example" really works. As you do something each and every day, you will come to find that others in your home will start to follow suit. Yes, it takes time to create habits in others, but once they are instilled in others, they are more likely to stay.
How often do I do these groups?
I normally host these groups every other month and I use Facebook for all of these groups. My most recent started in February and the next will start April. I spread them out so that I don't have to risk over lapping two group (keeps my stress level lower). Sometimes the groups last well past 31 days and I personally cannot handle too many groups going on at one time. I also like to offer the groups frequently so that people always have the opportunity to do them.
Who is the group meant for?
The group is good for anyone, no matter how many times you have done the group. I have one person who has done 4 of my 6 groups and is talking about doing another one. The group isn't all about starting a routine, but also about keeping up with the new routine. If you don't have much clutter, but want to find a better way of keeping your home clean, this is a good group to be a part of because it teaches you how to keep your house clean.
I know a lot of people who do ALL the cleaning on weekends. The common consensus is that they work all week long and don't have time to do it on the weekdays. I understand, totally, but how about looking at cleaning in a new light? Changing the way we look and react to cleaning can change our entire life and even free us from the chains of having to do it all in one day. This means more time on the weekends with our husband, kids, and friends. This means less stress throughout the entire week. This means a Happier Heart.
Unlike many groups that are available in today's world. This one will benefit you for a lifetime. We will work together privately to create a stress free living situation by learning new habits, keeping each other accountable, and supporting each other through motivation. Let me help you declutter your home so you can have a happier heart.
If you are interested in joining in one of these group, please feel free to contact me via Facebook or by filling out the form to your right! :-)

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Getting out of the pits.

Today started off as one of "those" days. You know, the ones that just waking up is depressing and upsetting. Every day I try to make the best of what I've got, but yesterday and today... I just didn't want to... that is, until this morning.

A little in-sight... I woke up yesterday at a decent hour; I just didn't get out of bed until just before dinner. I had no desire, drive, or want to get up and get moving. So, I didn't. I stayed in bed and watched Arrow on Netflix. I didn't eat, I didn't get up, I didn't... do... anything... This was honestly the first time I had done that in a long time.

This morning, I woke up with the same feeling. I knew I couldn't get away with doing nothing today, but I was in the mood where I would feed the kids, sit down and do nothing... feed the kids, again, sit down and do nothing... change the baby's diaper when I needed to... but I honestly woke up with no desire to do ANYTHING.

I woke up with the baby, changed her, fed her and sat with her until the other two woke up. Instead of my normal, where I turn on the TV first thing and just stare at it, I checked my email, which I had been ignoring for a few days. Deleted the spam, there was a LOT! Read the few from Team Beachbody, some pretty interesting stuff that I "should" post on my FB page... eh, maybe later... Then there was this other email...

This one email, as I opened it, the emotions that I felt were those that I had been missing! Hope, Joy, HAPPINESS, Excitement, Thrill... As I read through it, I felt so many emotions.

I literally couldn't contain myself... I think I even scared my kids.. I literally jumped for joy!

Isn't it amazing how one email, one bit of news, one phone call, one person can change your entire outlook?

All it takes it one person, saying the right thing, at the right time, to take someone out of a very, very dark place. When was the last time you sent an email to a friend just to say "Hi!" or to a family member to see how they are doing? It doesn't take much time, for most, all you need is a few seconds.

This email that I got was a generic, cut, copy, and paste email, it probably onl took this person seconds to get it from "Draft" to "Send". With as little time as it took, it changed my day and probably even the rest of m month.

Challenge for you:Take a few minutes out of that horrible busy schedule that, let's face it, we all live in. Send an email to someone who you believe could use a friendly word.

Now, about that email I got... for the last 6+ months, I have been working on providing new services to my local community. Well, I am pleased to announce we are in the FINAL steps to offering personal fitness training to persons with access to Fort Greely! I am now able to train clients at the Fort Greely FMWR Gym! Yea, that's enough to make me bounce off the walls!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Tips for talking to someone with stress disorder, anxiety, or depression.

I don't normally do blogs, or typing, or anything other then household chores while my kids are awake and my husband is working so I am going to TRY and make this short and sweet. I have a LOT of things going through my mind and wanted to share a few things with you.

Before we go into it all, I want to apologize to those who took offense to my last post. I came of a little more harsh then I probably should have. It was brought to my attention by a few people that not everyone knows how to talk to someone who suffers from depression and anxiety. In my last post, I let my true feelings come out a bit more harsh then I normally do. We will get into that a little momentarily though.

10 things to say -VS- things to NOT say. reference Health at the end.
1. I'm here for you. -VS- There is someone worse off then you.
   - No, I haven't had someone actually tell me "there is someone worse off then you." but I have gotten "Well, I have -this-, -this-, -this-, and -this- going on." or "This person is dealing with -this-." Hearing how bad off someone else is only makes us feel worse. Cause now we aren't just stressed or sad about one thing... now we feel like a failure because we are like this and someone is dealing with something worse...

2. You are important to me. -VS- No one said life was fair.
   - Yes, some people have actually said the later to me... They are lucky they are on the other side of the country and that I didn't deck them. Seriously, reassurance is extremely important.

3. Do you need a hug. -VS- Stop feeling sorry for yourself.
   - I always hate when people tell me things like "don't worry about it" or "it's no big deal"... Most people don't understand the emotions that I am feeling. You don't know what I am feel or why I am feeling this way unless I tell you, and frankly, there aren't many people in this WORLD that I talk to like that. Telling me to "sit down and relax" is impossible if there are things around me that trigger me. Sometimes, all I need is a hug, dinner-date, or just a walk with some friends outside.

4. You are not crazy. -VS- So, your depressed. Aren't you always.
   - I joke with some people about how I'm a few fries short of a Happy Meal and Coo-Coo for Cocoa Puffs, and these people will joke back with me. The things that me stay sane is when these friends, after the joking as stopped, re-assure me that I am really not crazy. I'm not always depressed. I do have some good days. And most importantly, these are just days... they end and a new one starts at sunrise.

5. We are not on this earth to see through one another, but to see one another through. -VS- Try not to be so depressed.
   - This one makes me look at the screen a bit longer when people say "Try not to be so depressed." If I am face to face, I typically start laughing... You really think I haven't tried that? A lot of times when people say something along these lines, I feel like they aren't taking me seriously when I tell them that I have a real disorder, a disability even. There are days that no amount of trying can get me out of my "funk". Trying is something we do every day, just to make it through till tomorrow. We are not generally hopeless people. Most of us hope for a better tomorrow, whether it comes or not isn't always up to us.

6. When all this is over, I’ll still be here and so will you. -VS- It's your own fault.
   -This is something that I am facing right now. I know there are other people out there that deal with stress, anxiety, and depression. My problem is, these people take direct offense of the things I feel and then I get things like "Sorry, can't help ya.", or "There is no help out there that I can give", and "You are just too down for me to be around."... These are all things I have heard or read TO ME in the last 24 hours...

7. I can’t really understand what you are feeling, but I can offer my compassion. -VS- Believe me, I know how you feel. I was depressed once for several days.
   - This is a tough one even for me. Talking to people who suffer from stress, anxiety, and depression, I know what I feel like when I am in a bad stop, but I cannot even fathom what someone else feels. I know the feeling of struggling, but ME struggling is different from YOU struggling. We can only understand to the point of what ourselves are, not what someone else is. It is very frustrating to try to explain to someone, NO, YOU DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM FEELING! YOU ARE NOT ME!

8. I am not going to leave or abandon you. -VS- I believe depression is a way of punishing us.
   - I feel very abandoned right now. People are leaving my "circle of trust" (to quote Meet the Fockers) because they don't want to deal with me and then others are telling me that I am depressed because I have "sin in my heart". Seriously, way to make me feel EVEN WORSE!

9. I love(care) about you. (Only say this if you REALLY mean it.) -VS- Haven't you grown tired of this "me, me, me" stuff yet?
   - I am not writing all this to get attention just because I want to. I have hit bottom (again) and really need help. Hence the therapy, the blogs, the posts, the crying my eyes out, the muscle pain in my neck back and chest, the insomnia... I don't want to bring attention to myself just because I want it. I want... no I NEED positive reinforcement. I need someone to be there for me right now because I don't feel like I have that right now.

10. I’m sorry that you’re in so much pain. I am not going to leave you. I am going to take care of myself, so you don’t need to worry that your pain might hurt me. -VS- Have you tried Chamomile tea?
   - I'm not saying don't make suggestions to help, those are always welcome, but make sure you let people know that YOU ARE THERE for them. I can understand that you have to take care of YOU. Just say that instead of things like "I can't help you Danielle. And don't you dare blame ME for your problems. Help is coming, don't you worry. But NOT from me..."

Tips reference HealthCentral
General Tips:
- You are communicating with someone who already feel isolated and generally alone. Don't take offense or get discouraged if they become offensive or defensive.
- You don't understand what they are feeling or what they are going through. You may also suffer from depression or anxiety, but you really do not understand what THEY are feeling. It is better to admit you don't understand then pretend that you do.
- It is hard for some people to talk about what they are feeling. The conversation may be one-sided and may end up with more silence then talking, but don't feel like you need to fill in the gaps with words. Sometimes silence is just what we need.
Constructive Communication:
- Depression SUCKS and it is a real disorder, and even disability. When talking to someone make sure they know that YOU KNOW THAT.
- Persons who suffer from stress and anxiety already think no one is going to help. When you say you are there for them and are ready and willing to help, then follow through. Sometimes it means going out of your way to help.
- Be hopeful, but not a cheerleader. One comment a friend posted and is really sticking with me is a different version of the Serenity Prayer. "God grant me the serenity to accept today, the courage to get through tomorrow and the wisdom to know, this too shall pass." simplicity is typically best.
Dealing with depression in the WORKPLACE:
- Depression is an illness and in the United States, employers are required to accommodate to a person's illness. If you are concerned about a co-worker or employee, find out what they need to get their job done.
- Never be afraid to ask "Is there anything I can do to help you?" and be sure to follow through as best as you can.
Unhelpful remarks:
- Though these things seem helpful, they almost always have a bad effect on those of us who are struggling. You are well meaning, but it really doesn't help.
- Cheerleaders - The idea of "transferring" positive energy is a wonderful idea... if it actually worked.
- Drill Sergeant - Tough Love can bite me in the rear. All you are doing is pissing me off and making me want to close off from the world.
- Mr. (or Mrs.) Fix-it - You're name is not Felix, you do not fix everything you touch. You don't know exactly what will make me better. You can make suggestions, but in all honesty, I've probably tried it.
- Missionary - You know, those people who think depression, anxiety, and stress are God's way of punishing us for sinning... Yea, I'm not even going to go there, because then I will be having to apologize a LOT more...
Other "DON'Ts" to keep in mind:
- Don't EVER, EVER, EVER, I mean NEVER tell someone who is on a happy pill to stop taking them!!! EVER!
- Don't make it about you and how MY depression is affecting you...
- "Just smile more..." Unless you want to be called a moron, don't say this to me... the whole "Fake it until you make it" doesn't work, it just bottles things up until you EXPLODE!
Depression SUCKS and many people suffer from it. The best way to "deal" with someone who is suffering is to (1) be sincere, (2) be gentle, (3) be you. Don't take offense if what you are doing isn't working or if he person upsets you by what he/she says. When you approach someone, start off by saying you noticed they are upset and that you care. I personally have noticed that when you approach me and talk to me like I am a person rather then a patient, I react and interact better.

Health -
HealthCentral -

This post is not written by a doctor. It is written by someone who does suffer from different stress, anxiety and depression disorders. If you know someone who is dealing with depression, always suggest seeking help through a psychiatrist or therapist. If the person is a definite danger to themselves, please call and report it to the police.

Life for today...

Audience Questions: please leave comments in the comments!
What are some things that you suggest? What are some things that you do to manage your anxiety, depression, and stress?
I have a few things on my mind today but I am only going to rant on one...I had someone ask me why I never talk about what I am really feeling. Why do I always hide the tears behind the laughs? Why do I hide the sadness behind a smile?

Why would anyone want to pour their heart out to someone for them to say the common, typical phrases that, let's face it, everyone says. Examples:

"Are you ok?" 
No, you moron! If I was ok, I wouldn't be crying, posting DAILY on Facebook about depression and how it AFFECTS ME, driving 220 miles round trip for therapy once a week, taking happy pills, or looking for other ways to manage my depression

"How can I help?"
This one is a big issue for me... People say this then NEVER follow through. Yea there are the select few that do, but 9 times out of 10, NOPE! Here is a small list of things that I need...
  • Help paying for a service animal, because driving 220 miles every week is kinda killing the bank account.
  • Time daily out of my house, but that means child-care, which I cant afford. Having a job would be ideal, but it has to pay enough to cover child-care.
  • Real help with my PTSD, OCD, anxiety-disorder, stress-disorder, and recurrent depression.
"I'll pray for you."
I know this one shouldn't bother me so much. I mean, it's prayer... but I have found that the more people say this the less likely they are to really do it. There is a really simple way to fix this. The moment you think about praying for someone, DO IT THEN! Don't wait!

Most people say these things without even thinking because it is the nice, polite thing to do. But this is a whole other blog rant that will be left for another day. My point for today's blog is to let you all know how I managed through today.

My day TODAY

My day started off bad and only seemed to get worse... until I decided on making a few changes. My DD (Dear Daughter) woke up far too early this morning and I woke up with a migraine (PastTense was a big help) and so much tension in my neck I couldn't turn my head (Deep Blue Rub helped, but I'm still sore). After getting my DD back in bed, I managed to take a little nap. Woke up closer to 11:30a.

Now, my older two kids wake up before me and they get their own breakfast. If I don't make something the night before it's either yogurt or cereal. They were already awake once I got up. Got them all dressed then went down to make lunch... Making lunch is a little different for me then it is for most people. Those of you with OCD can probably relate a little bit with this. Making lunch involves a few extra steps... like dishes, counters, sweeping, moping. Which is why everything for actually MAKING lunch is prepped the day before. Throw it in the microwave and feed it to the kids as I am do all the cleaning that I need to in order to manage my anxiety. I typically end up cleaning for 30 minutes before I can wrap my head around "it's time to eat!".

This is the point where the anxiety is a level 10 from fighting with my DS to eat his vegetables, my DD to sit and actually eat, and my other DD to not shove the entire bowl full of beef stew into her mouth at one time. So, to help myself calm down, I decide to send them all upstairs to play while I clean up more downstairs. I didn't clean the whole time, I actually decided to do some yoga while the kids were "playing". I use the term loosely because I have to stop what I am doing AT LEAST every 15 minutes to break them up from fighting.

The yoga really helped... until the next disaster. After sweeping and moping the kitchen/dining and living room there came the other daily chores. It has been a busy day, but this is every day. Come 5:30p, when my husband called to let me know he was on the way home, I was ready to explode again so I did another round of yoga and then ate dinner.

Thoughts and feelings

I am the one who does the vast majority of the cleaning and cooking in my home. My husband helps where he can, but more often then not, I do it all. It is hard. I wish I were the kind of person who could sit in a room where it didn't have to be spotless clean. I wish I could just relax. But neither my body nor brain allow me to when there are things that I feel need to get done.

I try to keep a to-do list and try to only do what is on that list. I try to only do so much work in a day, but I cant manage to relax until everything is done. With three kids, two dogs, and a soldier in the house, the cleaning never ends...

It isn't just cleaning either. When my kids get along with each other my days are easier... when they are fighting, I want to set my whole house on fire. When I have a lot of things to do in a day, it is safer for everyone around me if the kids are sleeping or no where near me. The stress of having too much at one time is never a good blend. My habit... I tend to push too much into one single day so I don't have to do anything extra on the days my husband works. This ends up back firing on me because I end up freaking out on my husband and kids. Anxiety truly sucks!

I want to be a normal, happy, loving person. I want to be able to live, eat, and breath like a normal person.

Friday, February 7, 2014

"Just keep swimming!"

JOKE: What is the advantage of stress?
Answer: find out at the end of the blog!!!
Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
There are bad days, and there are BAAAD days. Either way, they are just days, and days end.
God grant me the serenity to accept today, the power to get through tomorrow and the wisdom to know, this too shall pass.
Are you noticing the theme yet? I have been struggling the last few months and have been holding it in as best as I could. However, today I decided to share with you. I wanted to give everyone else the support that I have been needing myself. Sometimes the best medicine is helping someone else.
Over the past few months, I have been regularly seeing a therapist and psychiatrist to help me work through my PTSD, SAD, and currently OCD. There are good days and bad days, happy moods and sad, angry outbursts, and bursts of happiness.
Days wont always be good, even for those who don't struggle with mental disabilities. Even with bad days, there will always be a new day.
Even with bad days there are some things that still need to be done. Things like eating and working. So, how do you keep going when you don't want to go anymore? I have a little extra help in my home.

Kids are a great motivator to keep moving. They don't really let you sit still, regardless of the depression. Though they are active, they are really uplifting... and sometimes, too uplifting. Those are the days the anxiety is ramped and EVERYTHING seems to just stress me out. AHH!! SO, What do I do then?
If it were a perfect world, I would do a workout to relieve some steam, drink a glass of wine in the bathtub and relax... But we don't live in a perfect world, now do we. My kids don't nap, they don't sit still, and they don't calm down, like EVER! So... I normally put them upstairs, lock my bedroom door so they can't get in there and close the gate at the top of the stairs. They have T.V.'s, toys, and even a Wii up there, so it isn't like they are going to be bored... This gives me time to deal with whatever is causing me the anxiety. Typically messes, a never ending to-do list, or some other small, petty thing that for most people wouldn't even be given a second thought.
This is the life I live. Every. Single. Day. Some days are worse then others, some slightly better. I struggle with OCD which makes messes seem much bigger and more important then things that would generally be important. There are some things that I always make sure that are done before I go to bed.
  1.  My children have Breakfast made and ready for them for the morning.
  2. Dishes are washed, my sink is cleaned out, my counters are clean, my table is clean. Less anxiety in the morning.
  3. My living room is clean.
  4. My washer is loaded and just needs to be started in the morning.
  5. I put Serenity doTERRA essential oil blend in my diffuser. (helps for a good sleep, which is something I struggle with.)

These are only a few of the things I do in order to keep my anxiety down. All of these are parts of some habits I have created for myself using FlyLady. It's part of my Control Journal. I'll share more about that later though.

JOKE: What is the advantage of stress?
Answer: You never have to make your bed, since you’re always in it.
When you feel like things are overwhelming, just think "WWDD." What Would Dory Do?
Just keep swimming,
Just keep swimming,
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!