Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Refresh, or Restart?

Hit a plateau? Regular regimen just not cutting it like it used to? Been a while since you were at the gym? Chances are you body has adapted to your current lifestyle and workout. Here are some workout ideas as well as tips for getting a refresh and restart on your diet and exercise routine.

I've been there. As a matter of fact, that is where I am now. Over the last few months, I have allowed for life and excuses to take over my life and keep me from working out. Yea, even a trainer can get caught up on life. But in writing this and working on other blogs, I see that I need to stop making excuses, I need to stop procrastinating, and I need to get off my butt!

  • Change Exercise Technique - What you are doing now may not be working simply because you are not PROGRESSING in your exercises any more. Sometimes it helps to change up the technique. You know, spice things up a bit.
    • Muscle Confusion - This technique requires changes in intensity, weight, reps, and movements.
    • HIIT - High Intensity Interval Training - This technique incorporates several full body or combination exercises performed at max pace with minimal rest between sets.
    • FIT - Focused Interval Training - Similar to the HIIT, however the exercises focus on one or two muscle groups.
    • CrossFit - programmed to work for all experience levels, workouts are layed out for you to do.
    • Pyramid Training - For this Technique, perform an exercise or two, for a particular rep and then working your way down to 1, intended to fatigue the muscle.
    • Steady-State - This technique requires continuous, STEADY effort. Any exercise that is sustained for an extended period of time.
  • Commit to changes - While exercise is a big part in our fitness journey, the biggest factor in our plateau is diet! When you make a change, make it for life!
    • IIFYM or Flexible Dieting- If It Fits Your Macros - This is my favorite "diet" on the planet! Why? Because you can eat what you want, as long as you maintain your goals with Fats, Carbs, and Proteins.
  • Start slow - You didn't loose all your muscle or gain all that weight in a day, so don't expect your body to pick up where you left off 5 years ago. Take it slow, If you try to fling around a 100lb kettlebell your first day in the gym, you are asking for injury. Take your time, contract your core in all exercises, and start from the beginning.
  • Expect Soreness - Your muscles will be in a state of shock. This is normal, common, and it does go away with proper stretching of each muscle group.
  • Stay hydrated!

As a personal training, it is my job to make sure my clients are always progressing, these are just a few of the things I share with my clients. Everyone hits plateaus at some point of their fitness journey. But it's time to get over that plateau and sore for the skies!

Thanks for stopping in! If you have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below or submit it off to the right! Also, visit me on my Facebook page for more updates!

Please remember, before starting any workout, please talk to you physician to make sure it is safe!

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