Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Introduction to Insanity

For most of my adult life, I have dealt with stress, anxiety, and depression. It wasnt so bad when I was working full time with as much overtime as I could manage, but once I got pregnant, I quit my job and become a stay at home mom. Dont get me wrong, I have reaped so many rewards from staying home with my two kids, but there are times, like right now, where i'm sitting and not doing anything. Not because there isnt anything to do, but because I cant... or when there is so much to do, but the kids make it impossible to do the things that need to get done (never ending laundry and dishes...). It gets a little overwhelming for someone with my mental state.

Last summer, my husband brought home Beachbody's Insanity. I thought he was INSANE for even trying it. I would watch him do the program in my living room while the kids ate their breakfast and think, "Oh... My... God..." and swear that it was definitely something I would NEVER, EVER even try. Honestly, I thought I would die if I did. The program calls you to do things, that honestly look impossible to do that fast and that much... for THAT LONG.

Watching my husband do the program and watching him do the program got me intrigued... I decided to try just the "Fit Test". Then the next day, I did Day 1... At any rate... I started doing the program daily. I didnt stick with it at first. I wanted to be able to DO the exercises before I went through the whole 30-day calendar of programs.

Around Mid July, I decided to commit and follow through with the ENTIRE program. It was also then that I realized how much Insanity was already doing for me. Insanity, while it's a GREAT workout, was doing something that, to me, is more important then anything else. It was making me less "crazy". I wasnt stressed throughout the day even though there were things to do, I wasnt anxious when things started going wrong, I wasnt depressed when my husband was gone for days at a time with work... I was HAPPY. To me, that is more important then loosing weight, gaining muscle, or even getting that sexy body I had in High School.

Insanity helped me in a way that couseling, therapy, and medication never did. It helped me be the wife and mother that I wanted to be.

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