Friday, October 26, 2012

S.-A.-D. to F-I-T

If you didn't already notice, I have changed the name of the page here and on Facebook... Those of you who are not Alaskan or Canadian are probably thinking, "What a dumb name for a business!" I mean, even I laughed at myself for choosing it. Honestly, there is reasoning behind it! 

First of all, let me point out that S.A.D. is an abbreviation for Seasonal Affective Disorder, a relatively common form of "cabin fever" that affects more then 20% of the population in the state of Alaska. Doesn't sound like that much but let's look at it this way... 20 out of 100 or even break it down farther 2 out of 10 people are affected by SAD... and that IS NOT including the family, friends, and co-workers.

Of those affected by S.A.D., 75% of those are WOMEN!!! The age group that is most likely to show signs of S.A.D. are persons between the ages of 20-35....

Can you see where I'm going with this yet?

Here's my logic... I have dealt with stress, anxiety and depression for pretty much the majority of my adult life. I have tried a few different "happy pills" but really wasn't enjoying what they were turning me into. I didn't like that lull feeling. Granted, it was better then hating the world, but it still wasn't >>ME<<. 

Three years ago, a dear friend of mine, who is the founder of "Stamping Out S.A.D. Creations" (can be found on Facebook and her Website), introduced me to FlyLady. I know it seems strange, but keeping my house CLEAN and ORGANIZED, really took a load off of my shoulders. I was able to find time to do things that I really enjoyed! 

Once things started calming down and I had my home pretty well de-cluttered  I was able to start working out with my husband. Nothing to strenuous... maybe a bike-ride here and there. About a year and a half ago, my husband brought home Insanity. I watched him do it a few days, then I tried it... 

You know that *Ah-Ha* moment... this was it.

I had an immediate reaction to working out. I felt so, so Energized, happy, excited, motivated, pleased, accomplished... The list goes on and on for days. I don't remember feeling that good... EVER! Since that day, I have rarely missed a day of working out. Whether it's a walk or doing an hour workout with Insanity. This has become my way of coping with daily life and dealing with S.A.D. Because this has helped me so much, I became a team Beachbody Coach to help others. 

Depression is harmful to more then just yourself. It effects everyone around you, including your loved ones and pets! Finding a way to manage it, whether it be medication, Stamping out SAD, or working out, find something that works for you.

Thank you for reading, And please, Feel free to share comments and questions! :-)

Danielle M. Montoya

Never enter into a workout without first talking to your doctor to make sure it is safe. Once you get the OK to workout, make sure to only go at a pace that is comfortable to you. Never over exert yourself for risk of injury. For persons just starting working out for the first time, Instructional Fitness, also known as Personal Training, is recommended but not required.

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