Friday, November 15, 2013

DoTERRA Essential Oils

As many of you know, I am searching to provide all things Health and Fitness. Well, this includes preventative health measures as well as healing. I have dabbled in a lot of different areas of health and fitness and have finally found something that I believe in just as much as Team Beachbody and personal fitness training. A few months ago I got into it and want to make sure that it was at the highest level of quality before I fully shared it with all of my customers.

doTERRA Essential Oils are legit! They work, they are pure, and they are AMAZING!! Before I go any further, let me tell you what you will be reading. First, you will read the back ground, paraphrased by me, of the doTERRA company. Followed by what essential oils are and how doTERRA is elite in the essential oil productions. After, I will tell you some of my personal experiences while using doTERRA in my home with my husband, children, pets, and myself. 

doTERRA... the word in Latin means, 'Gift of Life'. In 2008, a group of healthcare and business professionals got together to find a way to get a higher quality of therapeutic grade essential oils to the world. That spring they release their first 25 essential oils and 10 oil blends. Since then, they have released a number of essential oils, oils blends, Spa, nutrition, and cleaning products. They have picked up a wellness philosophy consisting of nutrition exercise, rest and stress management, reduction of toxic load, informed self-care, and proactive healthcare. Click here to see the full Mission Statement and be sure to check out the Introductory Video.

Now, to explain all there is not know about Essential Oils, I could be here a while. So, I am going to give you the quick low-down on them. First of all, Essential Oils are natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and well, every part of plants. They are very clean, almost crisp, to the touch and are immediately absorbed by the skin. Essential oils have been used throughout history in many different cultures for their medicinal and therapeutic properties. Now doTERRA's oils are Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade (CPTG). This means they are the safest, purest, and most beneficial. Click here for more information!

Now that I have given you a little big of information here are a few of my experiences with the oils.

Lavender - This is an oil that my whole family uses, including the dogs! For the kids, I typically put a few drops on a wet towel and throw it in the dryer with their cloths and sheets for their bed. This helps with them calming and sleeping better. I also put it on their foreheads and the backs of their necks when they have fever. For the dogs, it goes on their bed's and toys. I also massage them with it in the evenings to help calm them down.

OnGuard - This oil I use on my kids when they are sick. A little bit on the bottoms of the feet goes a long way for fighting viruses. I also add it in my home-made cleaner.

Peppermint - One of my favorites. I put it on the bottom of my feet in the mornings to wake me up and in my Chocolate Shakeology (Mint Chocolate Shake!!! YUMM).

Serenity - This oil I use for myself to help me sleep. It helps with all around insomnia. I put it on my chest and forehead.

Deep Blue - This oil is use for ALL things pain. Post workout soreness, post surgery pain (NOT ON OPEN INCISIONS), bruises, pulled muscles, twisted ankles... all of it is soothed from this oil. It also comes in a roll-on and rub (lotion).

Balance - This oil is used for my anxiety and stress. A little bit on my neck, forehead, chest, and wrists.

The products are sold exclusively through Independent Product Consultants, or IPCs.

Find more information HERE.

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