Tuesday, January 14, 2014

20-Minute Home HIIT

As a Stay at Home mom, I know that finding time to do a workout is tricky. You have to squeeze in what you can, where you can. It is because I know how precious your time is that I build workouts that fit into your life style. I help a lot of people train in their homes when time is of short supply. If you fall into this category, try this 20-minute Home HIIT. It's great for all levels of training and will give your WHOLE BODY a great workout.
You are going to spend 20 seconds on each exercise and rest for 10-15 seconds between set. There will be a total of 8 rounds for each exercise. You will want to complete ALL rounds of one exercise before moving on to the next.
Exercises for HIIT Routine:
1.)    Squat to overhead press.
*This exercise requires dumbbells, if these are unavailable, you can use barbells, canned food, or bottled water.*
a.       Stand upright holding dumbbells at shoulder height, elbows bent and palms facing in.
b.      Bend at the hips and knees, lowering into a squat with the dumbbells still at shoulder height.
c.       Thrust up, coming back upright and press the dumbbells overhead, extending your arms fully.
*Less intensity - Use lighter or no weights.
*More intensity - Use heavier weight. If you are using canned goods or a water bottle, fill the water bottle with sand or stones. Bigger water bottles can hold more!
2.)    Burpee with Pushup.
*No equipment needed*
a.       Start in a standing upright.
b.      Squat down placing your hands on the floor and jump your feet back to the plank position.
c.       Perform a pushup, lowering your chest down to the floor and pushing back up to a plank position.
d.      Jump your feet in, bringing your knees to your chest while keeping your hands on the floor.
e.      Come to an upright position and jump into the air, raising your arms over head.
f.        Return to the mid position and then jump your feet back out to a plank position.
*Less intensity - bring your knees to the ground before performing the push up.
*More intensity - Use ankle or wrist weights while performing exercises.
*INSANE intensity variation 1 - use hand weights
*INSANE intensity variation 2 - use a weighted vest.
3.)    Reverse Lunge with kick.
*No equipment needed*
a.       Start standing upright with your arms at your sides.
b.      Step backward, dropping your back knee to the floor and leaning your torso slightly forward with your weight on your front leg.
c.       In one motion, push off your front foot to return upright and kick out your back leg in front to waist height.
d.      Step back to lunge position and repeat.
e.      COmplete all repitions on one side before switching to the other side.
*Less intensity - Place your hands on your front knee to hold balance.
*Less intensity - hold lunge position a little longer catching balance between kicks.
*More intensity  - Kick higher and/or perform more reps.
4.)    Pull over and sit up.
*Requires dumbbell... If these are unavailable, you can use canned food or bottled water.*
a.       Start by laying on your back with the weight (Again, canned spinach is my personal favorite!) above your head, knees at a right angle.
b.      Lift the weight straight up towards the ceiling with your arms slightly bent.
c.       Lift your body into a sitting position, arms raised over your head. *hint: you may need to use some leverage on your feet.*
d.      Lay back down, keeping the weight in the air.
e.      Lay weight above your head and repeat.
*Less intensity - Use a lighter weight.
*More intensity - use heavier weight.

Danielle M. Montoya, NASM-CPT4
(C) 907-687-1657

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