Thursday, February 13, 2014

Declutter the Home:Happier Heart

If you scroll through Pinterest right now, there are HUNDREDS of "tips" for cleaning and decluttering. There are even numerous apps that are supposed to "help" too. But the truth of the matter, they only work, if you use them.

It is the same concept with DVD workout programs like Insanity and the new 21-Day Fix (coming Febuary 3, 2014!!). They work GREAT... if you do them. Who has that type of self-driving motivation? I know I generally don't. A lot of people across this nation, and even the world, don't have that type of motivation. I have found that accountability to someone, other then myself, is key to being successful... in everything.
Now, if you have been following my blog, you know that I have OCD. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. It is at a high degree and it occasionally hinders my daily activities and keeps me from doing other things that I need to be doing. It is a hindrance most days. But in the last year, I have found a way to use my OCD to help others.
Who would have though OCD could be helpful? 
Certainly not me. I would go to friend's homes and see how "homey" their homes were and wonder why I cant have that same level of relaxation in my home. My home stays clean. I can't mentally handle clutter, I can't handle messes, and I definitely can't handle "dirty".
How can my OCD be helpful?
Like I said, in the last year, I have helped other people find ways, or new habits, to de-clutter their homes and essentially making for a happier heart. I use resources like the FlyLady and experiences that have worked for me in the past 5 years of being married. It isn't always an easy road for anyone. Me remember to post, participants changing the way they have been doing things for years, everyone having to change who they are as a whole... it's a lot to ask for.
This group that I do, it does cost money, namely because it consumes a lot of my time. It isn't much ($10). The group typically lasts 31-35 days. The amount of days vary on the participation of the group. The more active and talkative and tentative the group is, I might take a few extra days to complete the group. If people are open about their struggles with starting the new habits, I also take a few days so we can help and support those who need the extra support. 
The group is meant to help people build new habits that they will use every day. When embarking on a journey like this, you find out new things about yourself, your family, and your home. Just recently, I found that more people are struggling with similar issues. I also learned that there are things you can do to help the people in your home to help you with keeping the new habits.
For instance, the phrase "Lead by Example" really works. As you do something each and every day, you will come to find that others in your home will start to follow suit. Yes, it takes time to create habits in others, but once they are instilled in others, they are more likely to stay.
How often do I do these groups?
I normally host these groups every other month and I use Facebook for all of these groups. My most recent started in February and the next will start April. I spread them out so that I don't have to risk over lapping two group (keeps my stress level lower). Sometimes the groups last well past 31 days and I personally cannot handle too many groups going on at one time. I also like to offer the groups frequently so that people always have the opportunity to do them.
Who is the group meant for?
The group is good for anyone, no matter how many times you have done the group. I have one person who has done 4 of my 6 groups and is talking about doing another one. The group isn't all about starting a routine, but also about keeping up with the new routine. If you don't have much clutter, but want to find a better way of keeping your home clean, this is a good group to be a part of because it teaches you how to keep your house clean.
I know a lot of people who do ALL the cleaning on weekends. The common consensus is that they work all week long and don't have time to do it on the weekdays. I understand, totally, but how about looking at cleaning in a new light? Changing the way we look and react to cleaning can change our entire life and even free us from the chains of having to do it all in one day. This means more time on the weekends with our husband, kids, and friends. This means less stress throughout the entire week. This means a Happier Heart.
Unlike many groups that are available in today's world. This one will benefit you for a lifetime. We will work together privately to create a stress free living situation by learning new habits, keeping each other accountable, and supporting each other through motivation. Let me help you declutter your home so you can have a happier heart.
If you are interested in joining in one of these group, please feel free to contact me via Facebook or by filling out the form to your right! :-)

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