Friday, February 7, 2014

"Just keep swimming!"

JOKE: What is the advantage of stress?
Answer: find out at the end of the blog!!!
Don't let a bad day make you feel like you have a bad life.
There are bad days, and there are BAAAD days. Either way, they are just days, and days end.
God grant me the serenity to accept today, the power to get through tomorrow and the wisdom to know, this too shall pass.
Are you noticing the theme yet? I have been struggling the last few months and have been holding it in as best as I could. However, today I decided to share with you. I wanted to give everyone else the support that I have been needing myself. Sometimes the best medicine is helping someone else.
Over the past few months, I have been regularly seeing a therapist and psychiatrist to help me work through my PTSD, SAD, and currently OCD. There are good days and bad days, happy moods and sad, angry outbursts, and bursts of happiness.
Days wont always be good, even for those who don't struggle with mental disabilities. Even with bad days, there will always be a new day.
Even with bad days there are some things that still need to be done. Things like eating and working. So, how do you keep going when you don't want to go anymore? I have a little extra help in my home.

Kids are a great motivator to keep moving. They don't really let you sit still, regardless of the depression. Though they are active, they are really uplifting... and sometimes, too uplifting. Those are the days the anxiety is ramped and EVERYTHING seems to just stress me out. AHH!! SO, What do I do then?
If it were a perfect world, I would do a workout to relieve some steam, drink a glass of wine in the bathtub and relax... But we don't live in a perfect world, now do we. My kids don't nap, they don't sit still, and they don't calm down, like EVER! So... I normally put them upstairs, lock my bedroom door so they can't get in there and close the gate at the top of the stairs. They have T.V.'s, toys, and even a Wii up there, so it isn't like they are going to be bored... This gives me time to deal with whatever is causing me the anxiety. Typically messes, a never ending to-do list, or some other small, petty thing that for most people wouldn't even be given a second thought.
This is the life I live. Every. Single. Day. Some days are worse then others, some slightly better. I struggle with OCD which makes messes seem much bigger and more important then things that would generally be important. There are some things that I always make sure that are done before I go to bed.
  1.  My children have Breakfast made and ready for them for the morning.
  2. Dishes are washed, my sink is cleaned out, my counters are clean, my table is clean. Less anxiety in the morning.
  3. My living room is clean.
  4. My washer is loaded and just needs to be started in the morning.
  5. I put Serenity doTERRA essential oil blend in my diffuser. (helps for a good sleep, which is something I struggle with.)

These are only a few of the things I do in order to keep my anxiety down. All of these are parts of some habits I have created for myself using FlyLady. It's part of my Control Journal. I'll share more about that later though.

JOKE: What is the advantage of stress?
Answer: You never have to make your bed, since you’re always in it.
When you feel like things are overwhelming, just think "WWDD." What Would Dory Do?
Just keep swimming,
Just keep swimming,
Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming, swimming!

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