Friday, February 14, 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Valentine's Day... A day full of romance, love, chocolate, and.... cleaning.
No, I am not a bitter person when it comes to Valentine's Day. I actually love this holiday. I still remember my first Valentine's Day after meeting my husband. No, it wasn't anything overly spectacular, but it was the first Valentine's day that I didn't wish it off the calendar. A simple card with a my favorite chocolate bar.
But what goes on since then? Today, my husband is working. That means, I am cleaning and cooking and taking care of my three tiny tornados. Who, I might add, are currently tearing apart their bedrooms. Do I expect my husband to do something special for Valentine's Day? Nope. Will he do something? Who knows. Do I want him to? Of course, who wouldn't!
I have been scrolling through facebook and seeing everyone's pictures and comments about what their husbands and boyfriends have (or haven't) gotten them.
Seriously ladies, I am unimpressed... What about what you are doing for them? What are you doing for them to show your love? To show that they mean the world to you? I'm not going to mention names but there are people complaining, that their husband "chose to go to work over spending time with me today". Seriously?! "My husband didn't buy me anything... he's not getting laid for a while"... again, SERIOUSLY?!?! My personal favorite was one young lady making this statement, "He was gone all day long and all he brought home was some flowers... Is that all you could manage?"
I am appalled by the way so many women expect things from their spouses but don't take time to do things for their husband. I'm not talking about the normal cooking and cleaning. I am talking about going out of your way, like you expect him to do, to show you really and truly care.
So, Challenge for you ladies. What are you going to do this Valentine's Day that is extra special, that you don't do for the other 364 days in a year? Comment on this blog post or share what you did on my Facebook Page! 

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